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AI am getting "invalid user ID/ password" error · BNo response, app just keeps loading  对,你木看错。在想使用apa在线查询平台之前,你需要注册,不然无法执行导出功能。 apa的注册有两个蛋疼的地方,一个是密码最少为8位,但是最多没说是几位。经过试验发现密码不能 … 密码找回的时候验证码返回在返回包里面,直接截取返回包验证码即可。 第二种. 通过返回包状态码判断,比如遇到一个案例,重置成功的返回包为0000,错误的为9999,然后在任意密码重 … Access your library, everywhere. Add papers directly from your browser with a few clicks or import any documents from your desktop. Access your library from anywhere. … Before you proceed, please make sure that you have the following: Debit / Credit Card Number; Debit / Credit Card PIN; Registered Mobile Number. Passcode: A passcode is a numeric sequence used to authenticate a user on computer or electronic device. The term is sometimes used synonymously with " …